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legal translation in dubai

legal translation in dubai

We must have the ability to translate legal obligations into practical actions and actions


Despite the importance of functional equivalence in legal translation, it should be noted that there is a reservation when applying this technique to cultural legal terms because this may lead to the language being transferred to the channel through which the transferred cultural legal term is understood and thus a kind of cultural imperialism (Harvey 2000: 6). The interpretation of the foreign term belonging to a different legal system in the legal reference and cultural reference through the legal system and the cultural perspective of the language transferred to it would lead to the sublimation of the language transferred to the language from which it was transmitted and, consequently, to cultural imperialism. (1)


The word "solutions" here can not be translated into a functional or non-verbal equivalent. Functional equivalence does not exist in European legal languages, and verbal reward does not lead to the required meaning of the word. We must first understand them in Arabic and translate the last sentence. "The remaining ten thousand dirhams is still the husband's solution" from Arabic to the following: "And the rest, ten thousand dirhams, the husband should perform to the wife before building them." Foundations, to target language. (:

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